Wednesday 24 September 2014

The day job

The inspectors are in, yay, someone who isn't a teacher came in to tell me whether I can teach or not. Apparently I can, what a relief, hate to think I'd been winging it for 14 years.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Two years on

So two years on. after saying I would give up and not getting around to it. I thought I would take up Judo as well. It's great I always liked the stretching we do in TKD but never been to impressed with the warm up. So I use the judo warm up in my classes. My TKD classes are much better for doing judo. Unfortunately I can't do anything for a while after having torn the ligaments in my shoulder.after a bad landing in judo. But give up? Never!

Monday 25 June 2012

I gave up training today, apparently my ankles won't cope if I continue doing it. So I must stop before I wear them out. It's not been a bad run though, I was sparring into my 50s. I can still instruct and I will for a some time but at some point in the future I will stop, I won't feel comfortable training others when I haven't done it myself for a while. I now need a more sedate sport. Any suggestions?

Sunday 17 June 2012

Well after 2 days creating a new advert and an afternoon giving out flyers at the carnival. I have managed a sum total of no new students. I think I will shut one of my classes and concentrate on the Sunday morning class. It's not a bad idea as I find teaching  a class on a weekday tiring and the Sunday class is always much better.

Saturday 9 June 2012

It is easier than I thought, this is just the art work I added the text with publisher that would take more thinking to post, probably do it with a screen shot. But who's interested in the text it's the artwork that's good.

Forgive me bloggers for I have sinned it's been two years since my last post, ......two years what the hell happened I wasn't doing much. I need to post a picture I'm not sure how to do it if I work it out I will. It's an ad for my class I drew it coloured it in with Photoshop and added myself. It looks quite good I think so anyway. Every time I look at my profile I notice some one else has looked at it, it must be more popular than I thought.

Tuesday 20 July 2010

Lost sisters

I've been added on Facebook by my sister, how is that for awesome? I've only ever met her once when she was about 6 know she's 25 and she's added me on Facebook. She is a half sister from a brief marriage my dad had, so, a new wife after that, some family jealousies and politics and I wasn't able to find out how to contact her or even what surname she was using. But now she's added me and we have exchanged a few messages she's doing really well, got a degree works in finance. I'm really quite excited. I'll even update this blog to say how it is going, see I am excited. Ha